Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Teleion Holon - Manchester, VT

The Logger and I headed back to Manchester on Monday after our week of being shunned. The drive back was wonderful because I noticed just how much of the snow had melted. This grass stuff is EVERYWHERE. The weather has been so warm and nice, I've been able to go out in my sweatshirt, without a coat and gloves and scarf. I finally said out loud, "Spring is here!" Later that day I did the thing I had managed to avoid all winter and thought I was safe from: I slipped on ice and fell on my ass. No one saw this, so I of course had to tell everyone about it (hello internet).

Finished soil blocks

Things in Manchester are great. The greenhouse looks so promising with all its soil blocks lined up in trays. Some of them have started to grow just a little and Elyssa (another WWOOFer) and I have voiced our wish that we could eat this stuff already. Today we plant cucumbers, which I would like ready by dinner time please.

Soil block makers

Yesterday I was making soil blocks for a good part of the day. Oliver had first shown me how to do this with micro blocks, which are teeny tiny and I got into a fight with them. Alone. In the kitchen. Bonnie had told me she thought the bigger ones were even harder, so I wasn't looking forward to it. However, the bigger blocks are about a thousand times easier for me. No troubles. Oliver walked up to me yesterday and said "Nice blocks!" which I was super happy about. Then I paused for a minute and realized that if some random person had said that to me in New York I probably would have been pissed, and maybe also a little confused. Yep, I do like farm life better than city life.

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