Sunday, August 31, 2008

Dorset is coming to a close. I picked out a few pictures to post of some crazy summer antics. I'm not going to post them all at once. Instead I am hoping to put a few up every night until I leave on Thursday morning. I'm sad to be leaving this place and my friends, but I am ready to start my next adventure.

All of these photos were taken by other people. However, I will be getting a digital camera soon, so there's a good chance that I'll start posting more pictures. If I ever become an actual camera person and manage to take some pictures.

This one was taken early in the summer at our first opening night party. The ever-wonderful Johnny Silver was taking picture after picture of Denise and I. Each picture had more and more people creeping in, until this one was taken. This is my favorite group photo of the summer, so it's a great place to start.

Introducing the above-mentioned Johnny Silver. This one was taken during one of our many games of "Psychiatrist" this summer. If you don't know this game I am not at liberty to explain it unless you agree to play as the psychiatrist.

The act of creeping into cute photos of others became a theme of the summer. Many, many pictures were taken with people creeping in the background. As it should be.

Peaches, seen here, turned 25 this summer. For his birthday he wanted a finger-mustache themed party. One of the best parties of the summer, in my opinion. The wondrous Angie made him a cake with a finger mustache and icing peaches. He loved it in the most amazing way.

Opening night for Frog and Toad + extra set piece + alcohol= Pin the nose on the snowman.

That's all for now!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ummm, yeah. Not really related to my goings-on, but should be checked out:

I've added that to my blog list in the left column. I'm horrified. This should be passed along. Especially if you have a dog.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I've had to change my plans a bit. I found this pretty great farm here in Vermont. It's actually right in Manchester, 6 miles from here. It's called Teleion Holon Community Farm. They come to our farmer's market every week and have the yummiest veggie burgers ever. When I joined WWOOF I discovered they were looking for winter help, something I could not find in Portland.

This place is entirely vegetarian. They keep chickens, but only for eggs. Over the winter they will either be moving the farm to a bigger piece of land, which would require a lot of help, or they will be maintaining the chickens and an unheated greenhouse. The growing season doesn't end until after October, so I'll have some time to help out with growing. The place is generally pretty quiet in the winter, which seems ok to me. I'd be all about helping them move if that happens, but it seems unlikely. They are very unstructured and I can show up whenever and then leave whenever. I'm pretty into it.

So the new plan is to go to NY, then visit people down the east coast, then work load in for Keen Company and have my birthday in NYC, then back to Vermont. I'm going to leave some stuff with a friend who lives around here. I'm really looking forward to it. I need to get boots and warmer clothes. Yeah!

Finding good vegan winter boots without spending a small fortune is going to be hard...

Friday, August 1, 2008

I've finally made myself some travel plans. After I leave here the plan is to go to NYC for a few days, then to DC, South Carolina (surprise visit to Grandma, shhh), then to Orlando (hopefully), then off to Portland. I need to get there before the 2nd of October because my wonderful friend Brita has invited me to go see Dan Le Sac Vs. Scroobious Pip. I will then hopefully find some kind of job that will house me, somewhere in the state, and stay for 1 or 2 seasons.

Of course we'll see how this all works out, but playing things by ear has been ok so far, so I'm going to roll with it. Here's a map:


Right now I'm just enjoying my time here in VT. I feel so much better having some kind of plan. I have always wanted to go to Portland and was waiting for a good reason. Not having any other plans is reason enough I think.

I also joined this group called WWOOF which I hope will help me find an organic vegetarian farm. The hardest challenge to me so far is finding a farm that does not raise animals for food. I'm not sure I could learn about animal husbandry knowing that the animals I am caring for, and will inevitably get attached to, will be slaughtered for food. The thought disgusts me and I want no part in it. But I have hope that I will be able to find something in the end. Crossing my fingers.